Source : Bolbitiaceae, Agrocybe, Bolbitius & Conocybe, British Fungus Flora Agarics and Boleti, vol. 3, Edinburgh, 1982, 71 p.
Derniere mise à jour : Dec 1, 2016
Gills free or adnate becoming free ; cap viscid, thin and soon decomposing, appearing as if deliquescent. Fruit-body brightly coloured ; purplish, pink or yellow. Growing on wood, soil, dung or herbaceous debris
Spore-mass rust or cinnamon, spores usually smooth, occasionally punctate, usually with distinct germ-pore ; fruit-bodies annulate, cortinate or lacking veil remnants when mature, Medium to small ; cap rarely over 25 mm
Spore-mass hazel, snuff, or cigar brown ; spores smooth ; fruit-bodies with or without distinct or fugacious ring or with ring-zone. Medium to large, only occasionally small